I got a box from Amy today and it was filled with so many wonderful things. I felt like a little kid at Christmas opening it.

First the Kit 3 arrived. Another wonderful adventure in stitching.

Keeping with the Tudors theme - Anne of Cleves. Rogue Needlepoint did a wonderful job painting this canvas. Cannot wait to see the rest of the wives.

Always have to keep up with the latest accessories. A new scissor to add to my collection.

A mini Halloween Mask from Associated Talent.

New Atenti caddy and matching accessory bag. Love it.
Now for the best!

I fell in love with this canvas when I saw pictures of it from the Winter TNNA show.
I purchased it with the hope that Amy would do a guide. Well the guide and threads came today. Oh, it is just spectacular! The guide consists of 12 pages of written instructions, 5 pages of the most detailed, fabulous drawings, and 9 pages of graphed stitches. I do not have words to tell you how wonderful it is. I am so happy that I am on summer vacation and have two months to work on this wonderful canvas from Melissa Shirley and fabulous stitch guide from Amy Bunger.
How you can go wrong with Melissa and Amy?