This is what I spent the day doing yesterday.

First is my coffee table. The pumpkins and witch hat on the large pumpkin were purchased from Michael's. I am waiting to get my Associated Talent Halloween Mini Mask back from the finisher to put on the small pumpkin. The pedestals for the pumpkins are from Pier 1. The black and white pumpkins in the metal spider webs were also purchased from Pier 1. The two spider tea light holders were purchased from Sur la table.

My fireplace is the focal part of my family room. On the right is mummy boy, Jake loves him and even takes him to play cars with. I love the mantel with my spooky tree, the haunted house, skeleton candles and the best are my Halloweenies.

I am amazed every Halloween when I unpack them that I actually stitched them.
Amy did such a wonderful job on this series. Her creativity just boggles my mind.
She introduces you to new techniques that push you to the next level of stitching.
Frank's hands were worked with wire for his fingers.

Stirha was the first in the series and one of my favorites.

One of the new techniques used in Dracular was peyote beading. Amy's directions and diagrams made it easy to follow along and master this technique.
My plan was to have them all finished by the time the last lesson arrived but sometimes life gets in your way. Jake came along and all my great stitching plans vanished. I hope to get the bride and groom done for next Halloween.