As soon as I saw this on Facebook, I knew I had to have it. When I ordered the ornament Barbara asked if I wanted the threads too, of course I said yes.

Here are all the threads and a copy of the canvas telling you where to use what threads.
I have had such joy stitching this piece. At first I was going to do decorative stitches but decided to follow the stitched piece that Barbara had on Facebook. I absolutely LOVE this piece. The basketweave brings out the real beauty of this canvas. I cannot remember the last time I basketweaved almost an entire canvas. I almost forgot the calm that comes over you as you stitch basketweave. Sometime we just need to go back to the basics and this piece has taught me that.

Don't you just love his face? The colors are just perfect and he looks so calm.
I wanted to do his pompom in turkey work but wanted it to stand up so I took out my Amy DVD Just Fur Fun and found the perfect stitch. I used jump through the loop turkey work with Fyre Werks. I got the look I was looking for.
I was hoping to have had him finished this weekend but other responsibilities got in my way. Hope to post a finished picture in the next couple of days.
I can not wait to stitch mine. I love it Linda, you have done a very merry job on it. Have a great week.
I love everything about this ornament, Linda! The black and white checkerboard area with the green background, Santa's face - it's all perfect! Beautifully stitched!
Thank you Diane and Melinda. I am really enjoying stitching this canvas. The colors are so me and it just makes me smile,
Thank you Diane and Melinda. I am really enjoying stitching this canvas. The colors are so me and it just makes me smile,
It is peaceful to basketweave. I am happy to be reminded it doesn't have to be just belts and pillows.
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