Yes, I am decorated for Halloween. I always decorate Labor Day Weekend. It just puts me into the mood for Fall. I was so happy to take out my three Halloweenies and amazed at what an amazing job Amy did on the stitch guides for them and also at my stitching of them. I have to finish up the rest of the Halloweenies.
I have a few new items for the mantel this year. The center Haunted House is from Pottery Barn and is just a perfect accent piece for the Hallowenies, the Halloween Apples are new this year along with the Halloween boy and girl candle holders . I have more needlepoint decorations placed around the family room and sewing room but I felt the mantel was the focal point.
Today I received the three Walker Halloween mesh bags from Ruth. I will be using them for all my current projects. I also ordered the Halloween snap tray. After all a girl has to have a complete outfit. Cannot wait to see what Ruth does for the Christmas bags and tray.
Today was a big day in our house - it was Jake's first day of nursery school. He just loved it and was so happy he did not want to leave. He goes three mornings a week from 9 to 11:30, just enough time to give Nana time for her errands, physical therapy, hair and now a new doctor for her neck.
I had my second post-op visit this morning and was told that I am doing very well and am just where I should be after two months since surgery. I told the doctor about me using my neck muscle when I lift my arm and just cannot break this habit - he told me I had to go and see a neck specialits who would work with me to stop using my neck muscle. I can now work on my stand when I stitch but only small projects. I still cannot blow dry my hair (a really major problem for me) and probably will not be able to for at least six weeks. The hair salon loves me. I go twice a week to get my hair done. If I could afford it, I would go everyday. I really cannot complain. I feel good and see improvement in my arm. Hopefully, I will be almost perfect when I go to Amy's in November. I will have to get a name of hair salon just in case I need it.
Fabulous decorations, Linda. You know how to make my Halloween Heart sing with joy. Glad you are getting better with your neck/shoulder. Remember, you can only heal once. Thanks for sharing.
Linda - I love the Halloween decor! The mantle looks wonderful - there are so many spooky but beautiful things to see. Wish I could remember where I put my Halloween things from last year! Better start looking for them now. So glad your shoulder is healing as it should! Take care!
Linda! LOVE, Love, love the Display!
Thanks for sharing your stories, enjoy
hearing about Jake going off to Nursery School! You are such a Great Nana!
I remember being prego with Grace and taking Jack to Nursery School! Now, this year he started off to high school!
Where does the time go? All of your
Stitched Goodies" on the mantle are just gorgeous together! Take Care, Dear!!!
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