Here is a picture of my progress on the roof of the Thanksgiving House. I am now ready to start the shingles. I am really enjoying stitching this piece. Amy has come up with such wonderful stitches and threads for the roof. If you have never taken a Home Study or class from Amy, you must treat yourself. Amy's stitch guides are like nothing you have ever seen. She challenges you but you are learning so much that whatever small frustration you were experiencing is quickly forgotten when you see what you have accomplished. I know money is tight but you might consider ordering one of the fifteen dollar guides that Amy has written for &More canvases, the Poison Bottles, Kelly Clark Apples and Bats, you will not be disappointed.

Here is a picture of my purse in progress. As you can see, I also purchased the belt to match. I only get to stitch on this for a short time in the afternoon during Jake's nap.
It is mindless stitching and is just what I need to relax during naptime.

I am enjoying stitching the purse so much that before the trunk show was over I purchased another purse and ordered the matching belt.

Here are some pictures of Jake in Pop Pop's toy.

You have to love the wink.

On Thursday, May 17, Karen and I leave for Memphis. I am so excited about this trip. I will be meeting for the first time two fellow blog friends, Melinda and Diane. We are all staying in the same hotel and are going to have a blast.
In August, Karen and I will be going to the Needlepoint Retreat in California given by
Aristeria at the Ritz Carlton. I have never been to California and am really excited about this trip. The piece Melissa Shirley designed for the retreat is spectacular. I can only imagine the magic Wendy will create to bring the canvas to life.
Off to do some shingles.