I want to wish you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year. I hope that this year you find extra time in each day to do a little stitching.
I am not as good as Denise in posting but my resolution for this year is to post at least once a week if not more.
This year is the year of the clubs. I have signed up for four. I just could not choose so I signed up for all four.
Club number one is Kelly Clark's Sophisticated Socks through Needle Nook of La Jolla. Club number two is The Doors through Ridgewood Needlepoint. Club number three is Ruth Schmuff's The Flakes through Bedecked and Beadazzled. Club number four is All that Glitters by A Collection of Designs through Needle House.
I am going to be very busy this year with all my clubs and will keep you informed on my progress. Wish me luck in keeping up with them.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! Since it is still Christmas weekend, we really aren't late in sending out good wished. After all, I am still receiving Christmas cards. Of course, Linda has half her decorations put away already. I barely have all of mine out yet.....;)
Here's a photo of Linda & I with a terrific frame weight that Linda ordered for me. Can you read what it says? We had a lovely Christmas dinner celebration with our families last weekend. Excellent fun!
Happy New Year to all as well!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
We wish all our friends a lovely, peaceful, happy, healthy Thanksgiving holiday! I will be spending time with my cousins at their home in upstate New York, and I am anticipating lots of laughter and relaxation. I have to admit that I don't think there will be much stitching, though!
I regularly reflect on the many people I am thankful for in my life, recognizing those who are no longer here, and thankful for those who have contributed to who I am today. I hope all of you take this opportunity to do the same. Happy weekend!
I regularly reflect on the many people I am thankful for in my life, recognizing those who are no longer here, and thankful for those who have contributed to who I am today. I hope all of you take this opportunity to do the same. Happy weekend!
Monday, November 3, 2008
What I've Been Doing
Hi! Sorry there's been so little activity lately, but it has been a little crazy since we came back from Italy. Here's a photo of the completed Christmas stockings. I am so pleased with the way they came out! And, you may ask, why is Ashley's pointing left, while the others pointing right? Ashley is left handed!
You might also note our new kitten, Mia, in the bottom of the photo. Both she, & her sister, Cara, are very intimately involved in my stitching. They are both Tonkinese kittens which we picked up from a breeder just over 2 weeks ago, after our beloved Dominique died (she was a Tonk too). I think Cara, Mia & I have effectuated a compromise yesterday which involves me relocating on a different part of the couch so they can lay in the corner of the couch. This also involves me moving my light, but at least I can stitch without both of them on top of me!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
A New Site for Needlepointers
Janet Perry, of Nuts about Needlepoint fame, has a new web site for needlepointers called All About Needlepoint. It already shows quite a bit of promise, and is especially helpful (at least now) for those newest to needlepoint. Check it out!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
I'm back!
I am back from my sojourn in Italy. We had a wonderful time, attended my cousin's wedding in Rome which was set in a romantic castle built in the 1200's. That is one of the so special things about Italy--castles from the Medieval times are not all that unusual.
Then we went to Ponza, where I have a small house which has been in my family for over 140 years. Here's a photo from one spot on the island.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Kelly Clark's Old World Santa
Today my daughter, Jennifer and I took a class to learn how to embellish Kelly Clark's Old World Santa. We learned how to do her open basket and free flowing scarf. The basket and scarf really add dimension to the canvas. Jennifer has finished her basket and is almost done with the scarf.
Mine are still a work in progress. Hoping to have it completed by tomorrow and will post pictures of the completed pieces when we get them back from the finisher.
Denise is away in Italy for the next week. She went to a family wedding and then to vacation in Ponza, where she owns a home. I am sure that she will be posting some beautiful pictures when she returns.
Mine are still a work in progress. Hoping to have it completed by tomorrow and will post pictures of the completed pieces when we get them back from the finisher.
Denise is away in Italy for the next week. She went to a family wedding and then to vacation in Ponza, where she owns a home. I am sure that she will be posting some beautiful pictures when she returns.
Monday, September 22, 2008
On Friday, I received a box from Ruth Schmuff with the finishing of my Witch's Hat and Shoes. I knew they would be spectacular and I was not disappointed. They were just perfect and are on a shelf in my sewing room.
To see pictures of my finished work go to www.bedeckedandbeadazzled.com and go to Ruth's Blog. I am sure you will love them as much as I do.
To see pictures of my finished work go to www.bedeckedandbeadazzled.com and go to Ruth's Blog. I am sure you will love them as much as I do.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Lower Half of the Limoge Box
I finished the bottom half of the limoge box I am working on (all I have left now is the roof). I think it looks pretty good, & has some decent depth to it (which is pretty hard to see in a two dimensional photo, I know!). There are lots of french knots & lazy daisies for the flowers and leaves. I used the chain stitch for the hanging baskets. Want to hear the best thing about this canvas? I worked all of it from my stash! I had to buy ONE skein of DMC floss-how exciting! Feels like it was free!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Quick Update
Hi! Sorry I haven't posted much lately. End of summer madness, sick kitty cat, craziness at work & all that. Delivered the stocking cuffs to Stitch by Stitch this week, for creation of the stockings--so excited that I made my deadline! I am now working on a limoge box that I want to try to get done by the middle of the month. Although it isn't a Christmas item, it is a gift that I will be giving around Christmastime, so I want to try to make the holiday deadline. I am about halfway done, but there are tons of french knots & chain stitches (to look like leaves), as well as tent stitch in the background, so this is a bit time consuming.
Also saw a few more flags in progress and more than halfway finished while at Stitch by Stitch. Got me inspired to work on it a little today. It's a big canvas so I find it physically challenging to work on--doesn't sit well on my System 4, it's awkward to hold...so I work at a table. After a box or 2 my neck starts to hurt. Got 3 boxes done today---bringing me to 54 boxes. Of 247. 21.8% done. Ok, it's slow progress.
Also saw a few more flags in progress and more than halfway finished while at Stitch by Stitch. Got me inspired to work on it a little today. It's a big canvas so I find it physically challenging to work on--doesn't sit well on my System 4, it's awkward to hold...so I work at a table. After a box or 2 my neck starts to hurt. Got 3 boxes done today---bringing me to 54 boxes. Of 247. 21.8% done. Ok, it's slow progress.
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Here is a picture of my sewing room. My DH did this room for me last April. It is truly my favorite room in our home. I just love this room. I spend all my time in it since I am surrounded by all the things I love.
I have been able to really organize myself. All my threads are sorted and stored in boxes behind closed doors as are my stretcher bars. I am truly blessed to have been this beautiful room by my DH.
Jen' s Purse Tree

I am sorry that I have not posted anything for a while but I was waiting to learn how to post pictures. Now I just have to learn how to take better pictures.
I finally finished by Christmas belt. It is all different Christmas presents. I will try to post a picture of it tomorrow.
I am currently working on two projects at the same time. One is a floral pasley for a bag and the other is a called Flower Shopping Lady. I will post of pictures of these to show you my progress.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Making Progress in Inventory Reduction
At long last, the three stocking cuffs are done. I have finished everything I wanted to for Christmas this year. Unfortunately, my LNS is now closed for vacation, so I can't bring them in so they can get off to the finisher, but at least all the stitching is done. Today I also finished my last homework assignment for the Stitches for Effect: Sky class, and set up my stitching notebook. I am now waiting for the next SFE class to begin from the Shining Needle Society, which is the Quilt Boxes class.
I actually had a boxes canvas that was coming up in the lineup, but I will wait until after I finish the Quilt Boxes class to make up a stitch guide for that canvas. So for today I will get back to my flag, a few boxes at a time. I get tired of working on it for more than 2 or 3 boxes though, because it is a big canvas to work on and somewhat awkward to maneuver. It's the only canvas I have that I must work at a table.
Last night, I reorganized my inventory list. I like having a list, because as I finish something, I get to take it off the list! On the other hand, having a list is a little scary.....In any event, I reorganized my list, dividing it into two separate lists--the charted designs list, & painted canvas list. See, the list got so much shorter! My DH, the accountant, said that was a really creative accounting move!
I need to decide what to work on next. I have a few small projects that will come with me on vacation next month, so I think one of those larger painted canvases need my attention now. After the intense push to get the cuffs done, I need something a little easy, so one of those charted designs probably won't make the cut. I will have to study my inventory list.....and let you know what comes up next in the lineup!
I actually had a boxes canvas that was coming up in the lineup, but I will wait until after I finish the Quilt Boxes class to make up a stitch guide for that canvas. So for today I will get back to my flag, a few boxes at a time. I get tired of working on it for more than 2 or 3 boxes though, because it is a big canvas to work on and somewhat awkward to maneuver. It's the only canvas I have that I must work at a table.
Last night, I reorganized my inventory list. I like having a list, because as I finish something, I get to take it off the list! On the other hand, having a list is a little scary.....In any event, I reorganized my list, dividing it into two separate lists--the charted designs list, & painted canvas list. See, the list got so much shorter! My DH, the accountant, said that was a really creative accounting move!
I need to decide what to work on next. I have a few small projects that will come with me on vacation next month, so I think one of those larger painted canvases need my attention now. After the intense push to get the cuffs done, I need something a little easy, so one of those charted designs probably won't make the cut. I will have to study my inventory list.....and let you know what comes up next in the lineup!
charted designs,
painted canvas
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Admiring Someone Else's Work
I love to look at needlepoint, and even though I am a stitcher myself, I still find myself in awe of other people's work. Last week I told you about my client's needlepoint that was gifted to me. I picked it up from the framer, who did a terrific job. I am amazed at how vivid the needlepoint it, and of course I like it so much more than the print. But I am also so very impressed with my client's ability to have replicated the print onto the canvas. I am proud to be able to display her work!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Janet Perry's E-Project
And what is that, you say? Well, to quote Janet (and get it right),
This is sort of like the class being offered through the Yahoo Groups Shining Needle Society, with cyber classes being offered by Beth Robertson & Suzanne Howren. Linda & I have been in the first installment of the SFE classes, which are "sky" stitches. The Sky class is almost over, & the quilting project starts soon. I think today is the last sign up day for that. For more info on that go to http://groups.yahoo.com, & then search for Shining Needle Society, Home Room.
I know I have learned a lot from the Sky class & I can see myself getting on board with Janet's project as well.
Here's the link to Janet's blog: http://www.nuts-about-needlepoint.com/
Now, off to work on stocking cuffs. That Christmas deadline is fast approaching.
"This inspired me to create this blog’s very first Come Stitch with Me project. The idea behind this project is that we will stitch it together, one square at a time. The colors and threads will be up to you, I’ll post instructions for each block about one every two weeks or so."
This is sort of like the class being offered through the Yahoo Groups Shining Needle Society, with cyber classes being offered by Beth Robertson & Suzanne Howren. Linda & I have been in the first installment of the SFE classes, which are "sky" stitches. The Sky class is almost over, & the quilting project starts soon. I think today is the last sign up day for that. For more info on that go to http://groups.yahoo.com, & then search for Shining Needle Society, Home Room.
I know I have learned a lot from the Sky class & I can see myself getting on board with Janet's project as well.
Here's the link to Janet's blog: http://www.nuts-about-needlepoint.com/
Now, off to work on stocking cuffs. That Christmas deadline is fast approaching.
New Silk Thread
I have been searching for the perfect thread for a Janice Gaynor canvas I have had in my stash for awhile. The canvas is a very pretty paisley floral in shades of pinks and greens with touches of brown, yellows and gold. I wanted to work it in silk but just could not find the right thread.
So off I went in search for the perfect thread. I found the thread at Ridgewood Needlepoint in Ridgewood, New Jersey. Ridgewood Needlepoint had just gotten in a new silk thread for thirteen canvas. It is Baroque Silk by The Pure Palette. The thread is a twisted silk that can be separated if you are working on 18 mesh. Since I am working on 13 mesh this was the perfect thread choice. The colors of the Baroque Silk are magnificent. I was easily able to find the perfect colors for my canvas.
Last night I threaded up my Bohin Needle with the Baroque Silk and was in stitching heaven. The thread and needle just glided through the canvas. The thread is very easy to stitch with and did not twist as you stitched with it. I would highly recommend this thread for 13 mesh canvas.
So off I went in search for the perfect thread. I found the thread at Ridgewood Needlepoint in Ridgewood, New Jersey. Ridgewood Needlepoint had just gotten in a new silk thread for thirteen canvas. It is Baroque Silk by The Pure Palette. The thread is a twisted silk that can be separated if you are working on 18 mesh. Since I am working on 13 mesh this was the perfect thread choice. The colors of the Baroque Silk are magnificent. I was easily able to find the perfect colors for my canvas.
Last night I threaded up my Bohin Needle with the Baroque Silk and was in stitching heaven. The thread and needle just glided through the canvas. The thread is very easy to stitch with and did not twist as you stitched with it. I would highly recommend this thread for 13 mesh canvas.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Patchwork of Peace
Has anyone seen the "Patchwork of Peace" stitched from the book by Mary Clark Donegan, actually completed other than in pictures? Our local needlepoint store, Stitch by Stitch in Larchmont, NY (http://stitchbystitchneedlepoint.com/) has a completed flag on display which was stitched by one of our good friends.
Stitch by Stitch has run a group meeting (not a class, but a sort of stitch in) from time to time for those of us working on the flag canvas. Obviously, some of us are working faster than others....I have 46 boxes done; given that there are 247 boxes, I have quite a bit to go. Some stitchers, like our friend M.E. whose canvas is on display, stuck exactly to the book and stitched her canvas with each and every stitch precisely as instructed in the book. Others, like S.S. and myself, have changed stitches if we don't like the stitch or find it too annoying (we never really admit defeat). I had set a goal of five boxes a week for myself a few weeks ago, but I now busy with my stocking cuffs so I must admit I haven't touched it. I will say that when I do work on my flag canvas, I really enjoy it. It is a huge project though.....
The canvas is beautifully framed and for view, so if you are local, I encourage you to stop by Stitch by Stitch!
Stitch by Stitch has run a group meeting (not a class, but a sort of stitch in) from time to time for those of us working on the flag canvas. Obviously, some of us are working faster than others....I have 46 boxes done; given that there are 247 boxes, I have quite a bit to go. Some stitchers, like our friend M.E. whose canvas is on display, stuck exactly to the book and stitched her canvas with each and every stitch precisely as instructed in the book. Others, like S.S. and myself, have changed stitches if we don't like the stitch or find it too annoying (we never really admit defeat). I had set a goal of five boxes a week for myself a few weeks ago, but I now busy with my stocking cuffs so I must admit I haven't touched it. I will say that when I do work on my flag canvas, I really enjoy it. It is a huge project though.....
The canvas is beautifully framed and for view, so if you are local, I encourage you to stop by Stitch by Stitch!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Ridgewood Needlepoint's 1st Newsletter
We received the first email newsletter from Eileen Aird, proprietor of Ridgewood Needlepoint (http://www.ridgewoodneedlepoint.com). Looks like Eileen will be having some nationally known teachers at her store, and has already scheduled Deborah Wilson & David McCaskill. I have taken classes from both & I highly recommend both of them for different reasons.
Ridgewood is one of our "local" stores, being a 35 minute ride away for us. We love that Eileen offers these excellent learning opportunities!
Ridgewood is one of our "local" stores, being a 35 minute ride away for us. We love that Eileen offers these excellent learning opportunities!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Little Road Trip
Linda & I love what we call our needlepoint adventures--short (or sometimes longer) road trips to needlepoint stores, both well known & lesser known. Yesterday, I needed a day away from the office (although I was bluetooth in ear for emergency purposes until lunchtime), so we decided to take a ride to Edwardian Needle (http://www.theedwardianneedle.com/index.html), which is in Bloomfield, NJ, about a 45 minute ride for us.
I will say that the store is located where you wouldn't think it would be. And from the outside, we did pause to ponder. But once inside, you could be in any needlepoint fantasyland. So many threads to see & touch. My favorite thing, though, was the amazingly wide assortment of ribbon! Every size, every color---a sight to behold, really! Drawers & drawers of canvases, and embellishments--oh, my!
It was a lovely trip & we will return.
And, as a bonus, we stopped at B&W Bakery in Hackensack & got a few crumb cakes to bring home! Mmmmm!
I will say that the store is located where you wouldn't think it would be. And from the outside, we did pause to ponder. But once inside, you could be in any needlepoint fantasyland. So many threads to see & touch. My favorite thing, though, was the amazingly wide assortment of ribbon! Every size, every color---a sight to behold, really! Drawers & drawers of canvases, and embellishments--oh, my!
It was a lovely trip & we will return.
And, as a bonus, we stopped at B&W Bakery in Hackensack & got a few crumb cakes to bring home! Mmmmm!
Bohin Needles
On Thursday, when I was reading Jane's Chilly Hollow blog she mentioned Bohin Needles. I remembered that I has purchased these needles from Amy's Golden Strand months ago and never used them. I immediately went into my needle bag and took out the Bohin Needles. I was totally amazed at how wonderful they are. I never thought you would notice the difference in needles but you do with these. I totally agree with Ruth they simply glide through your canvas.
They are the only needles that I have been using. I totally recommend them. As Jane mentioned, you can get them from Bedecked and Beadazzled and Chaparral but you can also get them from Amy's. Between the three stores, you should be able to get them. Have fun stitching with your new Bohin Neeldes.
They are the only needles that I have been using. I totally recommend them. As Jane mentioned, you can get them from Bedecked and Beadazzled and Chaparral but you can also get them from Amy's. Between the three stores, you should be able to get them. Have fun stitching with your new Bohin Neeldes.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Things you wouldn't think of for needlepoint
Isn't this a stunning bag? My daughter needlepointed the beautiful pin (which started out to be a belt buckle, but she does not wear belts). Linda's talented daughter Jennifer created this stunning bag; can you see the lining peeking out?
Both Linda & I are so blessed to have such talented, beautiful daughters!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Happy Birthday!
Today is Linda's birthday, & so, I join with all of my stitching sisters to sing along, "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, dear Linda, happy birthday to you!!"
Have a happy day!
Have a happy day!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Cat in Leaves Project
Here's a photo of a recently completed project. It's an HP Designs canvas, purchased about a year ago. I just had to have it; although the cat in the canvas didn't look like my cat, those eyes--yes, those devilish eyes were those of my cat. The leaves scared me, though, & I just would look at this canvas--what to do? Then a canvas enhancement class with David McCaskill was offered at Ridgewood Needlepoint--this is what I would bring!
David was full of great ideas, particularly the "stitching lite" for the leaves. But the best part was that David immediately said--"Let's pick threads to make it look like your cat!" And so we did, with David suggesting stitch directions, threads & stitches for the cat.
The canvas is now hanging in my hallway, with that image of my cat watching as I pass by!
Pretty as a picture
Does this look like a place you'd like to be? See the little pink & white house on the hill, pretty much dead center? That's my house in Ponza. Sharon G painted some beautiful new canvases from photos I took on my last trip there. You can see the photos on Sharon's website at http://www.sharong.com/catalog/new.html
Monday, August 4, 2008
Inherited Needlepoint
A client of mine called yesterday when we were out, and left a message that she was having her daughter drop a package off at my house. I forgot about it until I went out to water the flowers this morning, & there was a Wal Mart bag just outside the door.....what could this be? Inside was a Monet-like flower print, in a stainless steel frame---hmmm. But then--further in the bag--was a matching frame--with the same print--needlepointed! How beautiful--& thoughtful of my client. I called her daughter a few minutes ago, & she told me that as her mom is now in an assisted living facility, she is having her house packed up, selling & giving away what she can. She remembered that I have a few needlepointed items in my office, & instructed her daughter to give me the needlepoint.
I will be bringing these two to the framers, to have them re-set with mats & in nicer frames. Makes me think what will happen to all my stuff. Fortunately, my daughter is a stitcher, and my nieces (and nephews) all seem to appreciate what I do, so I think they will divide it all up someday (hopefully a long time from now!) Since I have a great deal of needlework from my grandmothers and great-grandmothers, I am touched to have someone else's legacy too. Needlework is probably the only form of "other people's stuff" that I would ever take into my home--I am not a yard sale kind of person--more of the type that donates to yard sales, just to get the stuff out of my house.
Ok, off to the office! Later, D
I will be bringing these two to the framers, to have them re-set with mats & in nicer frames. Makes me think what will happen to all my stuff. Fortunately, my daughter is a stitcher, and my nieces (and nephews) all seem to appreciate what I do, so I think they will divide it all up someday (hopefully a long time from now!) Since I have a great deal of needlework from my grandmothers and great-grandmothers, I am touched to have someone else's legacy too. Needlework is probably the only form of "other people's stuff" that I would ever take into my home--I am not a yard sale kind of person--more of the type that donates to yard sales, just to get the stuff out of my house.
Ok, off to the office! Later, D
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Witch Reading Canvas Completed
I just finished my Witch Reading. It will be sent off to the finisher tomorrow and as soon as I get it back I will post a picture. I am now going to do my third assignment for the Sky Class. This class is given through the Shinning Needle Society by The Stitches for Effect ladies, Suzanne Howren and Beth Robertson. Speaking of Suzanne and Beth they will be teaching three classes at Bedecked and Beadazzled. Check out the store's website www.bedecked&beadazzled.com and click News and Events to see the list of all the classes offered. You will want to sign up for more than one. Have Fun!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Two in one day??!!
Two in one day, because we're still figuring out what we're doing. So while we do that, we'll tell you what we're working on. I (Denise) [prepare yourselves for abrupt changes in who the speaker is--we will try to tell you!] am working on three stocking cuffs by Associated Talents that I need to finish by the end of September for this year's Christmas. And I [Linda] working on Tapestry Tent's Reading Witch, and a Christmas package belt. Neither of us is including the many other WIP's on stretcher bars.....
Maybe we'll try to figure out how to post photos soon.....
Maybe we'll try to figure out how to post photos soon.....
Our First Post
With the help of our capable assistant Ashley, here is our first post. We will be blogging about our stitching experiences and hope you share our enthusiasm!
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