Today, Linda & I, & 13 other lucky stitchers enjoyed the first of a two day class with Tony Minieri. We were lucky enough to be able to take this class at our LNS, Stitch by Stitch, in Larchmont, NY.

Each of us selected a canvas, which was submitted months ago to Tony for his creation of an individualized stitch guide. I submitted one of the canvases created by Sharon G from my photos of Ponza. For me, this piece would have been impossible to create a stitch guide for; this is a real place, I've been there countless times; I have photos of this location all over my home. The image is imbedded in my mind. I've had these canvases for some time now, and they've scared me.
Obviously, this canvas didn't scare Tony one

bit. As he told us, he "becomes one with the canvas" while he's creating a guide. To prove his point, at the beginning of class, he led us through each individual canvas, the stitches and threads he selected, and why he made his selections. He did this all from memory, without consulting a note. Talk about a photographic memory! And the stitches! On more than one canvas, he used stitches that he created himself--Linda has a surprise about a stitch on her canvas that I'll let her tell you about. He has so many unique, creative ideas. The entire day was jam packed full of fun & information.

We then got started with our pieces. We were urged to read through our guides carefully---use these days to have him show you what you needed to know. Jump around the canvas, different areas, different techniques--be sure you understand Tony's plan. Tony broke my canvas down into 5 areas, incorporating about 12-15 stitches. He selected predominantly overdyes for me, in cottons & silks and combinations, Dinky Dyes and Weeks and Waterlillies and Thread Gatherer. There's some glitz, too, in the Petite Treasure Braid & Kreinik for the water & sky.
Today I focused on the rocks & the hills in the background. Tonight I plan on spending a little more time on the rocks, so that tomorrow I can be sure to master the stitches he's suggested for the water & the sky. This has been so much fun so far.

It has also been fun has been listening to Tony teach a classmate. For example, he was teaching my friend Susan about negative space today....using a stitch to distort the canvas thread a bit, to create a lacy effect. Whoa! It looked amazing. Watching Tony teach on someone else's canvas is a big part of the experience. Just listening to all that information!
Wait! Did I mention the excellent lunch & desserts? Great job with those too!
These are some photos of Tony working with our classmates. Can you find my stitching sister?
More tomorrow.