But before I go on to that topic, was my Godson just the absolute cutest or what? I can't wait to see him this weekend.
Wrapped up this ornament on Wednesday evening, but held off posting so you could all enjoy Jake's party. Wish I could have been there, but it was another wonderful day in Tinseltown, as they say. Sometimes I just want to throw the phone out the window.
Am starting up the next Vintage Ornament right away, the Golden Bell. What I love about these is that I can finish them up pretty quickly, in a week or ten days.
The hycianths are peeping up through the soil. Spring must be thinking about coming, right? Today at Bed, Bath & Beyond I bought k-cups for my Keurig coffeepot to make Vanilla Iced Coffee. My family laughed at me. Harumph. What do they know?
I keep dreaming about stitching out on my patio on Sunday afternoons, one of my favorite things.
PS: It is storming big time outside. We are expecting 4" of rain before noon tomorrow. Will my patio be there in the morning? Sigh.